Glock 40MOS
This is a gen 4 Glock 40MOS with a rip tile Cerakoting job, a sprinkles Stippling job and a full Frame Cuts package.
-The Cerakote colors used on the frame were Graphite Black, McMillan Tan, Patriot Brown, and 20150 from the Cerakote Elite Series. The frame was done entirely in 20150 from the Cerakote Elite Series.
We also added
-Ameriglo i-Dot Pro night sights
-Surefire X300U-A tac light
-Overwatch Precision flat faced TAC trigger system
-Lonewolf extended slide lock
-Ghost Inc. extended slide release
-CruxOrd extended mag release
-ZEV Technologies dimpled back plate

This is a Glock 17L (long). It has been Cerakoted in Cerakote’s Elite Series color Midnight. We also performed a Rough Rider Stipple job as well as a Glock Knuckle Cut, an Assist Hand Finger Groove Cut, Finger Groove Deepening, and Back-strap Swell reduction.
We also added
-Alpha Wolf fluted threaded barrel
-Surefire X300U-A TAC light
-Overwatch Precision TAC flat-faced trigger
-ZEV Tech magwell
-ZEV Tech +5 extended magazine base plate (+5 rounds)
-Carver Customs extended slide lock
-Truglo TFX Pro tritium and fiber optic night sights

This is a Benelli M2, 20 gauge. At first all we did was performa Rough Rider Stippling Job and a Battle worn Cerakoting job using Burnt Bronze, Midnight Bronze, and Graphite Black. Upon completion our customer decided he wanted us to try and duplicate the pattern you see on the butt-stock and fore grip. So, it ended up being 2 jobs in 1 sitting. We duplicated the camouflage pattern you see using McMillan Tan, Graphite Black, Patriot Brown, and RAL-8000

AERO Precision
This is an AERO Precision AR-15 receiver set, Cerakoted in a multi-”camo” pattern using the Cerakote colors, Graphite Black, Cobalt Kinetics Slate, and RAL-8000.
We also added
-Vortex Strikefire 2 red dot system
-Ergo ergonomic pistol grip
-Rock River Arms 2 stage National Match trigger
-Hogue extendable buttstock
-Witt Machine MRE muzzle brake
-Harris 9”-13” bi-pods
-Odin Works extended magazine release
-Geiselle Automatics maritime bolt catch/release
-Blackhawk 3-point sling
-Magpul forward pistol grip
-V7even 54 degree ambi-safety selector
-Strike Industries capsule style dust cover
-Geiselle Automatics over sized ambi-charging handle
-Magpul Mbus polymer rear back up sight
-Fail Zero NIB coated BCG
-KNS Precision anti-rotation pin set
-Battle Arms pivot/take down pin set
-Strike Industries tri-side forward assist
-Rock River Arms quad rail set
-Rock River Arms chrome moly 16” attachment ready 5.56mm barrel

Gen 5, Glock 26
This is a gen 5, Glock 26. We Cerakoted it in Cerakote Elite Series colors Earth and Coyote. We also performed a rough grip Stippling job, a Glock Knuckle Cut, Forward Assist Hand Cut, and Back Strap Swell Reduction.
We also added
-Truglo TFX Pro fiber optic Tritium night sights
-X-Grip 26
-X-Grip 26C
-TLR-6 light/laser combo
-Cruxord extended magazine release
-Ghost Inc. extended slide release
-Lone Wolf extended slide lock
-Overwatch Precision TAC trigger
-Pierce Grip finger enhanced base plate
Glock 22C
This is a Glock 22C. We performed a small Stars and Stripes Stipple job and an American Flag Cerakote job for one of our USAF Airmen.
The Cerakote colors used were Graphite Black and Tactical Grey.

This is an AERO Precision M4E1 AR-15 pistol. The receiver set, the rail system, and the optic casing were all Cerakoted in the Cerakote Elite Series color 20150.
We also added
-GRID Defense Ghost 7” M-lok rail system
-Yankee Hill Machine slanted muzzle brake
-EoTech EXPS3-4
-SB Tactical 3 position pistol stabilizing brace
-Strike Industries capsule version dust cover
-ERGO ergonomic pistol grip
-Elfmenn flat faced 3.5lb trigger
-Odin Works 8 position ambi safety selector
-Expo Arms NIB coated BCG
-KNS anti-rotation pin set
-Noveske pivot/takedown pin set
-Odin Works extended magazine release
-Strike Industries large face forward assist
-Streamlight 1,000 lumens tactical light with multi-optional pressure switch
-Timber Creek extra large ambi chraging handle
-Faxon Firearms 7.5” 5.56mm barrel.

Benelli M2
This is a Benelli M2 20 gauge shotgun. We performed a battleworn Cerakoting Job using Burnt Bronze, Midnight Bronze, and Graphite Black. We also stippled the rear trigger hand grip and the forearm pad.

Glock 43
This is a Glock 43, Cerakoted in Blue Titanium and Tactical Grey. We also Stippled it in our Sprinkles Stipple pattern and gave it a Glock Knuckle Cut.
We also added
-TLR-6 light/laser combo
-Truglo TFX Pro fiber optic tritium night sights
-HYVE extended magazine release
-HYVE extended slide lock
-Ghost Inc. extended slide release
-Overwatch Precision TAC trigger

Kimber Stainless II
This is a Kimber Stainless II, 9mm, 1911. We Cerakoted 98% of the whole pistol in the Cerakote Elite Series color Midnight! Midnight is quickly becoming one of our favorite colors!

Gen 3, Glock 19
This is a gen 3 Glock 19. We Cerakoted it in Graphite Black and Tactical Grey. We also Stippled it, gave it a Glock Knuckle Cut, and an Assist Hand Finger Groove Cut.
We also added
-Overwatch Precision trigger
-Agency Arms Magwell
-Trijicon Adjustable RMR
-Killer Innovations barrel
-Killer Innovations Compensator
-Zev Tech Slide kit
-Ghost Inc. extended slide release
-Carver Customs extended slide lock
-(not pictured-Surefire X300U-A tac light)

This was a complete custom build by SMs. This is a Sharps Bros The JACK AR platform receiver set. Customized in Cerakote colors Graphite Black, Tactical Grey, Bright White, and Gold.
We also added
-Strike Industries charging handle
-Rock River Arms 2-stage National Match trigger
-Hogue buttstock
-Witt Machine MRE muzzle brake
-Strike Industries pivot/takedown pins
-GRID Defense Ghost Keymod rail system
-Iron City Rifleworks BCG
-Hogue rubber pistol grip
-Strike Industries bolt catch/release
-Battle Arms ambi-safety selector
-Bear Creek 300 Blackout bull barrel

This was a complete custom build by SMs. This is a Sharps Bros The JACK AR platform receiver set. Customized in Cerakote colors Graphite Black, Tactical Grey, Bright White, and Gold.
We also added
-Strike Industries charging handle
-Rock River Arms 2-stage National Match trigger
-Hogue buttstock
-Witt Machine MRE muzzle brake
-Strike Industries pivot/takedown pins
-GRID Defense Ghost Keymod rail system
-Iron City Rifleworks BCG
-Hogue rubber pistol grip
-Strike Industries bolt catch/release
-Battle Arms ambi-safety selector
-Bear Creek 300 Blackout bull barrel

Glock 17
This is a gen 3, Glock 17 Cerakoted in Russian Splinter camo. Graphite Black, OD Green, and Desert Sand were the Cerakote colors used.

This was a complete custom build by SMs. This is a Sharps Bros The JACK AR platform receiver set. Customized in Cerakote colors Graphite Black, Tactical Grey, Bright White, and Gold.
We also added
-Strike Industries charging handle
-Rock River Arms 2-stage National Match trigger
-Hogue buttstock
-Witt Machine MRE muzzle brake
-Strike Industries pivot/takedown pins
-GRID Defense Ghost Keymod rail system
-Iron City Rifleworks BCG
-Hogue rubber pistol grip
-Strike Industries bolt catch/release
-Battle Arms ambi-safety selector
-Bear Creek 300 Blackout bull barrel

Glock 43
This a Glock 43. The slide, the magazinr release, and the slide release were all Cerakotedd in Robin’s Egg Blue for one of our turtle loving Florida customers.

These stippled mag assists show off some of our different stipple patterns. Some patterns work differently than others. Some patterns are great for concealed carry, or tactical situations, or softer hands.

These are 4 different Glocks with 4 different Stipple patterns getting ready to be prepped so they can have Cerakote applied to them.
-The pistol on the far left is a gen 3 Glock 21SF with a tree bark Stipple pattern.
-The second pistol from the left is also a Glock 21SF but with our most popular Stipple pattern, the “sprinkles” Stippling pattern.
-The third pistol from the left is a gen 3 Glock 36 with a large dot Stipple pattern.
-The pistol on the far right is a gen 4 Glock 19MOS. This pistol also has our “sprinkles” Stippling pattern, but the customer waned the back strap area left alone so that he could have the option of using or not using the back straps that come standard from the factory on all new generation 4 and 5 Glocks (except Glocks 43, 43X, and 48). You can also see that we added, to the pistol on the far right,
-KKM threaded land and groove barrel with 4 port compensator
-Glock 17, 17 round magazine
-X-Grip magazine adapter
-Trijicon suppressor height night sights
-Trijicon adjustable type 2 RMR with a 3.5 MOA red dot
-Surefire X300U-A tac light
-Overwatch Precision flat faced TAC trigger system
-Carver Customs extended slide lock
-Ghost Inc. extended slide release
-CuxOrd extended Magazine release

Here are 2 9mm Glocks we have already installed some new and upgraded parts on. Both of them are going to get Cerakoted once we test them at the range and make sure that they are still as functional and reliable as the were when they left the factory.
-The top pistol is a gen 4 Glock 34MOS. On it we installed
-Leupold Delta Point Pro with a 2.5 MOA red dot
-Surefire X300U-A
-ZEV Technologies +5 base plate
-ZEV Technologies Pro Plus magwell
-Overwatch Precision flat faced TAC trigger
-Carver Customs 10 port compensator
-KKM land and groove threaded barrel
-Lonewolf extended slide lock
-ZEV Technologies dimpled back plate
-ZEV Technologies extended magazine release
The bottom pistol is a gen4 Glock 19MOS. On it we installed
-KKM threaded land and groove barrel with 4 port compensator
-Glock 17, 17 round magazine
-X-Grip magazine adapter
-Trijicon suppressor height night sights
-Trijicon adjustable type 2 RMR with a 3.5 MOA red dot
-Surefire X300U-A tac light
-Overwatch Precision flat faced TAC trigger system
-Carver Customs extended slide lock
-Ghost Inc. extended slide release
-CuxOrd extended magazine release

This is what started it all….. Little did I know that over 13 years later I would own a business that would allow me to do this full time…..
As the owner of Sublime Modifications, the creation of this rifle did not start my love for firearms, hunting, the outdoors, American patriotism, etc. My Love for those things started when i was knee high to a grass hopper. But, this build did show me that I had a knack for creating firearms that people fell in love with.
For those of you that remember, 13 years ago there weren’t too many gun owners that possessed an AR-15 platform rifle. At least, not compared to now. And, being an active duty Infantryman in the Army I was tired of turning in my rifle every time I got to go home. So, I saved up my money, bought this rifle, and the process began.
Everyone that saw it loved it and it wasn’t long before i was getting requests to duplicate my build. And, after many builds, many classes, many bullets, many years, and MANY mistakes I am able to offer the public my services so that they too can enjoy the things I fell in love with long ago!
As far as the build, there’s not much to tell, but I will list everything. In fact it will be a good compare and contrast of the difference in techniques and technology from almost a decade and a half ago!
This is a full Rock River Arms LAR-15 R4 Entry Tactical. Additions and customizations include
-Black and tan Krylon Camouflage paint
-550 cord
-Blackhawk 3-point tactical sling
-Magpul windowed 30 round magazines
-Harris 9”-13” bi-pods
-Rock River Arms 2 stage National Match Trigger
-Nikon 3 - 9 x 40 Prostaff rifle scope
-Ergo ergonomical platform handle pistol grip
-Extended charging handle latch
-Extended safety selector switch
-Forward grooved pistol grip
-Bi-pod adapter mount

This is a Glock 34 MOS with an S-curve Stippling job, and a Cerakoting job using our Sniper Grey color.
We also added
-Leupold Delta Point Pro with a 2.5 MOA red dot
-Surefire X300U-A
-ZEV Technologies +5 base plate
-ZEV Technologies Pro Plus magwell
-Overwatch Precision flat faced TAC trigger
-Carver Customs 10 port compensator
-KKM land and groove threaded barrel
-Lonewolf extended slide lock
-ZEV Technologies dimpled back plate
-ZEV Technologies extended magazine release

This is a Glock 36 Cerakoted in Zombie Green and Graphite Black. It was also Stippled using a medium point Stipple tip.

Benelli and Sig Sauer Combo
This is a Benelli M4 and a Sig Sauer P329 done as a combo for one of our out of state customers. The Cerakote colors used were Graphite Black and Tactical Grey.