SERvices 3
Firearms cleaning
--> It is tremendous fun to go to a range and shoot or go hunting, but there's always that thing at the end you are supposed to do...... Oh yea, clean the firearms used that day! The best way to get decades of use out of your firearms is to clean them after every use and keep them cleaned and lubed up when not in use. Some people don't like cleaning there firearms. Some don't have time. Some just don't care. And, others (MOST people) have zero clue how to properly clean a firearm. Another thing to consider is which solvent, oils and tools to use.....
--> At SMs we specialize in firearm care, and whether it's a one time “Super Clean” firearms cleaning you want or you would like us to clean your firearms all the time, we would be glad to detail and clean your firearm(s) to where they feel brand new!
upgrades and repair
--> UPGRADES--> For most of us, buying a plain jane firearm just doesn't cut it, nowadays. And, whether you are looking to upgrade your firearm based on aesthetics or performance come have a talk with us first before you spend your money on something that may not work for you. We charge NOTHING for advice! And, we make zero dollars off of parts. Maybe you want a new trigger system put in your pistol, or a new pistol grip put on your AR-15. No matter what it is we will do our best to make your dream a reality. So, come in and have a talk with us. Again, we would love to help you and we charge nothing to guide you in the right direction. No matter what, we will figure out the best option for you. We can order any parts you need. Put them on. Test fire the firearm. And, then call you when it's ready to be picked up.
--> REPAIR --> When I think about firearms repair the most important thing that comes to my mind is RELIABILITY! We want to KNOW that our firearm is going to work exactly the way it was designed to work, EVERY TIME WE PICK FIRE IT!!! Are you having issues with your firearms? Maybe your firearm is just 100% broken? Come let us take a look at it and get it working again!
--> Nothing is broken! It's simply out of commission until we get a hold of it!
--> Check out our gallery for more pictures!
2 AR 15’s for one of our repeat customers
We only hand sharpen at SM.
Knife sharpening
--> Got a dull knife? Bring your knives to us and let us sharpen them for you. We sharpen all knifes by hand. We can also take them apart, clean them, and oil them.
—> We can also Cerakote your knives for ultimate protection!
--> Want us to do some custom tethering? Our company name isn't Sublime Customizations for any ole reason. We'd love to "tactify" your knife and/or knife sheath. Some 550 cord, a little leather, some Cerakote, maybe a feather or 2..... Tell us what you want and we will do our best to fulfill it!